The sport and recreation complex, rebuilding the existing indoor swimming…

The idea of the project is conversion and development of the swimming pool building. We decided to use the existing basin, foundation elements and the link building leading to the nearby hotel. The transformation consists in taking the working mechanism out of the ruined shell. We used energy saving solutions gaining the healthy living conditions with clean air and water indoor and at the same time innovative attitude to architecture.
The wooden elevation refers to the surrounding area. The shuttering can be seen from the inside which seems like the indoor and outdoor mingle together. The building form was bent over the entrance to be the roofing and to accent the entrance zone. The driveway is situated in the south art of the building lot. There are 50 parking spaces for cars and four for buses. Parking spaces for handicapped are situated in front of the entrance, in the west.
The recreation zone with playground are in the north part of the building plot.
The area surrounding the swimming pool was varied, with hills and acclivities made of the excavations and reservoirs, which gave the natural landscape look. We gained the viewpoints, new perspectives and connections between surrounding elements.